In years gone by, the traditional kitchen set up featured a combination of drawers and cabinets in standardised configurations. However, in recent times, consumers are becoming savvier and are researching the latest trends and innovations before they buy. Whereas once kitchen bench top options were limited to conventional sliding drawers, there are now more user-friendly selections than ever, such as cabinets fitted with smart hardware and inserts.
Drawers vs. Cabinets
In order to better organise the contents of their kitchen and space-save the smart way, many householders are choosing to tailor this area to their specific needs with a pantry drawer, pull out pantry or drawer cabinet, to name a few. Apart from making your kitchen tidier and easier to navigate, these modern designs are also aesthetically appealing and are sure to help make the process of cooking and cleaning less chaotic.
Cabinets vs. Drawers
More kitchen manufacturers are now thinking outside the box, with sliding shelves fast becoming a top choice for home builders and renovators alike. Instead of trying to fit large and often awkwardly-shaped pots and pans into a square drawer, consider storing them in a corner cabinet or open-base cabinet shelf. The shape and dimensions of corner drawers can also be tailor-made to perfectly stow away your utensils and make more efficient use of your kitchen space.
Custom Kitchen
Many homeowners favour either drawers or cabinets, but if you effectively combine both, you can construct a more liveable, cutting-edge and space-saving kitchen area.
If you are interested in designing or upgrading your kitchen, contact Aussie Cut for a complimentary quote regarding our made-to- fit kitchen creations and cabinet making services.